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잭앤질의 티볼리볼 초콜릿 - Tivoli ball

잭앤질에서 만든 크래커 볼 코티드 위드 초콜릿인 티올리본 ทิวลี่บอล


Tivoli ball is delicious chocolate coating cracker ball that can be the best combination partner with all kinds of sweet. Tivoli Ball offers coated cracker balls produced from quality ingredients to provide the right crunch and rich coating in every piece.


티올리본 크랙꺼 촉꼬랫본 ทิวลี่บอล แครกเกอร์ ช็อคโกแลตบอล

Tivoil Balls Chocolate Ball Crackers



한팩 52밧